Traveling teacher Lillie Marshall, a Massachusetts Literacy Champion

Lillie Marshall

Traveling teacher Lillie Marshall, a Massachusetts Literacy Champion

One of the biggest advantages a career in teaching has to offer is ample time to travel during the summers. Because traveling is such a terrific learning experience, teaching and traveling go hand in hand. One educator who can testify to this is Lillie Marshall, a high school English and Humanities teacher from Boston.

Lillie graduated from Brookline High School in 1999. Brookline is a public high school located in Brookline, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. Following her high school graduation, she enrolled in Brown University, a private Ivy League school in Providence, Rhode Island. There she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature in 2003.

As soon as she earned her degree, Lillie landed a position as a teacher of English and Humanities at Boston Latin Academy. She enjoyed her work as an educator, but was soon feeling the effects of burn-out. “After five years as a high school English teacher, I was exhausted and frustrated. To continue in education, I knew I needed to step back and get perspective on what learning really is,” Lillie recalls.

To regain her passion for the profession, Lillie spent the next year traveling around the world. She taught in Ghana, did some writing in Thailand, and explored architecture in Spain. In 2009, she started writing a travel blog to chronicle her global experiences. “At the end of the year’s journey, I was energized and excited to teach in Boston again, and have been teaching happily here ever since… with travels every vacation possible, of course!,” she reveals.

For her work in advancing teaching and traveling, Lillie has been named a Massachusetts Literacy Champion. The Massachusetts Literacy Champion Awards Program recognizes outstanding literacy educators, their practices, and their programs.

To check out Lillie’s travel blog, simply click on this link: Teaching Traveling. To learn more about Lillie, check out the short YouTube video about her below.


Amazing travel website by former teacher and world traveler Lisa Ellen Niver

Teachers often love to expand their horizons by traveling, either within the United States or abroad. Traveling is the ultimate in experiential learning! To learn about unique travel experiences, check out this fabulous website by former teacher and world traveler Lisa Ellen Niver.

Click on this link:  We Said Go Travel

We Said Go screenshot




George Rajna: The Chalkboard Champion Who Promotes Multi-Cultural Awareness

GeorgeRajna[1]Many hardworking educators give unselfishly to causes near and dear to their hearts, and chalkboard champion George Kenneth Rajna is a fine example of this. George is an elementary school teacher, bilingual speech and language pathologist, Peace Corps volunteer, musician, and travel writer who has traveled to over one hundred countries across six continents around the world. He has worked tireless throughout his professional career to promote multi-cultural awareness.

George was born in Santa Monica, California. He graduated from the American University in Washington, DC, with an MBA in International Marketing. He has also attended California State University, Northridge, where he earned his master’s degree in science with an emphasis in communicative disorders.

From 1995 to 1999, George was employed as an elementary schoolteacher in both the Inglewood and Los Angeles Unified School Districts. George has also donated his teaching talents as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Paraguay, where he supported a government educational reform program used by teachers to engage students with didactic materials, hands-on activities, and multi-modal instruction. During his Peace Corps experience, George promoted programs improving dental hygiene in the local community, and he also facilitated workshops for teachers to assist them in creating and utilizing instructional materials for their classrooms.

After his return from Paraguay, George accepted a position as a speech and language pathologist in the Lennox School District in Lennox, California. He was employed there for six years, working with students who suffered from varying degrees of autism and children who exhibited articulation, language, and fluency delays. During his tenure in Lennox, George also mentored new clinicians on how to effectively treat children with speech and language disorders.

George met his future wife, science teacher Lisa Niver, online in 2007, and the following year the couple went on sabbatical together, travelling all over Southeast Asia. Their 2013 book Traveling in Sin describes their unique experiences on this trip, and how their sabbatical fostered the growth of their relationship. Together, George and Lisa founded an award-winning web site, We Said Go Travel, a global community of over one hundred writers who have publicly shared meaningful stories related to travel and world culture. George has also published travel articles in the Huffington Post, Jewish Journal, the Himalayan Times, Technorati, and The Clymb. In addition, George and Lisa are sought-after public speakers.

Here is a link to George and Lisa Rajna’s web site:We Said Go Travel.

Here is a link to George and Lisa Rajna’s book: Traveling in Sin.