Houston teachers jump into action when school floods

When the going gets tough, the teachers get going! Teachers at Durham Elementary School in Houston, Texas, proved that this week when Tropical Storm Imelda flooded their school.

When the storm made landfall last Tuesday, it dumped nearly four feet of water on the city in just 72 hours. The deluge caused severe flooding throughout the area. When the water level rose in the hallways of the school, quick-thinking teachers jumped into action, using benches to create an elevated walkway for their students. Balancing on the benches, the kids were able to pass through the hallways without getting their feet wet.

One of the school’s teachers, who wishes to remain anonymous, made a video of the incident “to share the circumstances that the students and faculty face every time it rains,” she explained. “It showed teachers jumping into action and doing what was necessary to make sure those students felt safe and secure,” she continued. “The students are the priority and nothing else mattered in that moment,” the chalkboard champion concluded.

Durham teachers, you are heroes!