New York educator Kay Toliver creates innovative and dynamic mathematics programs. Photo credit: The Futures Channel.
Many chalkboard champions have been recognized nationally for creating innovative and dynamic programs in their subject area. One such educator in Kay Toliver of New York City.
Kay was born and raised in East Harlem and the South Bronx. As a youngster, she attended Harriet Beecher Stowe Junior High, Walton High School, and Hunter College, where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in 1967 and her Master’s degree in 1971. Additionally, Kay completed graduate work in mathematics at the City College of New York.
For more than 30 years, Kay taught mathematics and communication arts at P.S. 72/East Harlem Tech in Community School District 4. Prior to instructing seventh and eighth grade students, she taught grades one through six for 15 years. “Becoming a teacher was the fulfillment of a childhood dream,” the dedicated educator once said. “My parents always stressed that education was the key to a better life. By becoming a teacher, I hoped to inspire African-American and Hispanic youths to realize their own dreams. I wanted to give something back to the communities I grew up in,” she continued.
At East Harlem Tech, with the support of her principal, Kay established the Challenger program for grades 4-8. The program presents the basics of geometry and algebra within an integrated curriculum. Although the program was designed for gifted students; because of her strong belief that all students can learn, she accepted pupils from all ability levels.
Challenger offers events that are similar to science fairs but involve students in creating and displaying projects related to mathematics. Participants had to be able to explain the mathematical theories and concepts behind their projects, which were placed on display at the school so that students from the lower grades could examine the older students’ research. Students have created mathematics games such as Dunking for Prime Numbers, Fishing for Palindromes, and Black Jack Geometry.
Kay also developed a lesson called the Math Trail to give students an appreciation for the community as well as an opportunity to see mathematics at work. To create a Math Trail, the class must first do some research on the history of the community. Then, they are instructed to plot a course, starting from the school building, that leads the class through the community and back to school, with stops along the way to visit several sites and create math problems about various real-life situations.
To show teachers throughout the country how she creates enthusiasm for mathematics among her students, Kay has worked with the Foundation for Advancements in Science and Education (FASE) to create a number of educational video products. Most recently, she has worked with The Futures Channel to present staff development institutes and parent engagement events at schools and districts throughout the country. Most recently, Kay has worked with The Futures Channel to present staff development institutes and parent engagement events at schools and districts throughout the country.
For her efforts, Kay has earned many awards, including the Reliance Award for Excellence in Education, Middle School; Outstanding Teacher for Mathematics Instruction, Disney American Teacher Award; the Kilby Award; and the Essence Award.
To learn more about Chalkboard Champion Kay Toliver, see this link to her page at The Futures Channel.