Alma Whitacre: Teacher, mountain climber, and national parks guide

Alma Wagen Whitacre

Alma Wagen Witacre: Teacher, mountain climber, and national parks guide.

Many talented educators pursue careers in areas other than education. This is certainly the case for Alma Wagen Whitacre, a high school math teacher who also enjoyed an illustrious career as a mountain climber and national parks guide.

Alma was born in 1878 on her grandparents’ farm in Mankato, Minnesota. As a young child, she discovered an irrestible desire to climb, and because there were no mountains near her home, she began to climb local windmills. This earned her the nickname of “the windmill climber.”

After high school, Alma attended the University of Minnesota, graduating in 1903. She then moved to Tacoma, Washington, where she accepted a position as a math teacher at Stadium High School. Just about every minute she was not in the classroom, she climbed in the nearby North Cascades and Olympic Mountains.

In 1913, Alma became an official member of the Mountaineers, a nonprofit outdoor recreation, education, and conservation group founded in 1906. The next year, she traveled to Glacier National Park where she discovered a passion for national parks. The following year she climbed Mount Rainier for the first time. In 1916, the intrepid math teacher spent the summer hiking in Yellowstone National Park, and in 1917, she climbed Mount Adams, Mount St. Helens, and Mount Hood with the Mountaineers. It was during one of these climbs that Alma nearly lost her life. In the June, 1922, Sunset Magazine, it was recounted that, “When well up to the summit of Mount Hood, a small boulder, loosened by the melting snow, came bounding down the steep declivity, (and) struck Miss Wagen upon the back just above one hip. The pain and shock were terrific, but the girl, clutching the rope desperately, saved herself a fall that would have meant death.”

When the United States became involved in World War I, many mountain guides volunteered for military or civil service. To partially fill this personnel shortage, Alma joined the National Park Service as a guide in 1918. She was the first woman to become a guide in Mount Rainier National Park. She spent her work hours as a guide leading tourists on hikes to nearby glaciers. Joseph Hazard, Rainier’s chief climbing guide at the time, once described the teacher as “one of the best guides in the employ of the company.” She also worked in Yosemite National Park briefly in 1922 before returning to Rainier.

Alma had come to the Northwest wearing a jaunty Tyrolean hat decorated with a pheasant feather. Her hat and feather became her trademark as a guide. The rest of her outdoor clothing was warm and practical for use in uncertain weather conditions. The weather did not dampen her enthusiasm for climbing, however. In an interview appearing in the April 18,1923, Tacoma News Tribune, Alma declared, “I wanted to get up among the clouds and to feel myself as free as the birds and the air, and to be able to shout my freedom as loudly as I liked without having someone point to me sadly and say ‘It is not pretty for little girls to climb windmills.’”

Alma retired from her career as a mountain guide following her marriage to Horace J. Whitacre in Tacoma. After he passed away in 1950, she moved to Claremont, California, where she lived until her death on December 7, 1967.

Educator Amy Okimoto named a finalist for Colorado’s 2025 Teacher of the Year

Educator Amy Okimoto was selected one of seven finalists for Colorado’s 2025 Teacher of the Year. Photo credit: Amy Okimoto

There are many excellent educators in Colorado public schools. One of them is Amy Okimoto. She was named one of seven finalists for her state’s 2025 Teacher of the Year.

Amy currently serves as the Culturally Responsive Education Specialist in Summit Elementary School in the Cherry Creek School District in Aurora. She works with students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. Previously she taught third grade at Ponderosa Elementary School in Aurora; fourth grade in Denver Public Schools; and Gifted Education Courses in Sierra Vista Pubic Schools in Sierra Vista, Arizona. She has also taught in Nepal. And she has worked as an Affiliate Instructor at Metropolitan State University in Denver. Altogether, her career as an educator spans nearly 30 years.

As part of her work at Summit Elementary, Amy facilitates several student groups, including the Changemakers, the STAR Club, and the STEAM Club. At the district level, she is the co-facilitator for the Asian American Pacific Islander Affinity Group for AAPI teachers.

Amy is obviously highly respected in her district. “Amy is an incredible educator whose dedication to social-emotional learning and restorative practices has made a big impact at Summit Elementary,” declares Christopher Smith, Superintendent of Cherry Creek Schools. “Her leadership in student groups and her commitment to fostering a supportive community exemplify the values we hold dear,” he continued.

Amy earned her Bachelor’s degree in International Affairs with a minor in Asian Studies from Northern Arizona University in 1996. She earned a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Administration from Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, Arizona, in 2009. She earned a second Master’s degree in Cultural and Linguistic Diversity from Adams State University Alamosa, Colorado, in 2014.

As a 2025 Teacher of the Year finalist, Amy will receive $1,500 from the Colorado State Department of Education and the Boettcher Foundation, and her school will receive a $500 donation from Boettcher.

Consider gifting Unleashed! to your children or their teacher

When considering a gift for a school-age child, or even for the child’s teacher, I’d like to suggest my most recent book, Unleashed! The Dog Park Chronicles, which is now available in both paperback and ebook versions from and This is my first novel for young people. But the volume has also garnered praise from adults who have read it and loved it!

In the book, I have created a charming cast of animal characters and their human companions who live in or visit the local dog park. Each event which takes place holds an essential message about kindness, community, inclusion, and personal responsibility. There are also messages of anti-bullying and anti-prejudice.

In addition, the narrative includes commentary about how young people can appreciate nature, even if they live in a suburban environment. I explore themes related to the migratory patterns of Canada geese, the natural instincts of the animal characters, and the progression of the seasons.

The dog park described in the novel, Vila Borba, really exists! It is located not far from my home in Chino Hills, California. And depicted on the cover of the book are two of my very own pets! The little white terrier mix on the front cover is Kurby, whose rescue story is described in Chapter 4. (In the book the Kurby character is named Bowser.) The elegant black and white tuxedo pictured on the back cover is my own ladycat, Licorice.

This 156-page book would make a terrific seasonal gift for your children or their teacher.

Author Terry Lee Marzell shares contents of her book Chalkboard Champions

Take a look at this short screencast where author Terry Lee Marzell discusses the contents of her book, Chalkboard Champions, published in 2012. Specifically, she mentions teachers Jaime Escalante, featured in the movie Stand and Deliver, and Annie Sullivan, who worked with Helen Keller, a deaf and blind child from Alabama. Enjoy the screencast.

Suggestion for shopping for the holiday season!

Season’s Greetings! I’m sure busy educators all over the country are busy wrapping up their current instructional programs, creating holiday lessons and programs, working on finals, and calculating semester grades. So much to do before the onset of Winter Break! At the same time, these dedicated professionals are decorating their classrooms, homes, and yards for the season, while also addressing holiday cards, baking cookies, and shopping for gifts. So much to do to get ready for the holidays, too!

Speaking of holiday shopping, I have a suggestion! Why not buy an inspirational book for the teacher in your family, your child’s special teacher, or the co-worker at your school? Or you could indulge yourself, and stock upon something inspirational to read during your much-needed Winter Break. I have two splendid titles to suggest:  Chalkboard Champions: Twelve Remarkable Teacher who Educated America’s Disenfranchised Students (available here) and Chalkboard Heroes: Twelve Courageous Teachers and Their Deeds of Valor (available here), each one available in print or in e-book formats and reasonably priced. Enjoy!