Chalkboard Champion and Army Veteran Jeremy Heckler

Educator, Teacher Librarian, US Army veteran, and journalist Jeremy Heckler of Las Vegas, Nevada.

There are many talented teachers who have served our nation in the military before serving their students in the classroom. One of these is Jeremy Heckler, an educator and teacher librarian from Las Vegas, Nevada, who also did stints in Honduras, El Salvador, and Iraq as a member of the US Army.

Jeremy was born in Long Beach, California, and raised in Corona, California. He graduated from Centennial High School in Corona in 1993. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in History from California State University, San Bernardino, in 1997. He completed the requirements for a Master’s degree in Education Administration in 2010, and a Master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in 2011, both from Grand Canyon University.

Jeremy Heckler served in the US Army, completing deployments in Honduras, El Salvador, and Iraq.

Once Jeremy completed his student teaching, he was eager to pursue a passion for journalism, so he put a career in education on the back burner and joined the military. Serving as a journalist in the US Army, Jeremy traveled to Honduras and El Salvador. “When I deployed, I finally understood new things about being a teacher,” Jeremy remembers. “I met kids in orphanages who were there because their parents couldn’t afford to take care of them. I talked to missionaries who went into prisons and talked to gang members that made some of the kids I worked with as a student teacher look like boy Scouts,” he described. “I deployed again to Iraq and saw the after effects of kids with no real education. They were the ones sucked into the violence against soldiers and civilians,” he said. “I never wanted that in my own country or my town. I hoped to help as many kids as I could,” he declared.

Once he was discharged from the Army, Jeremy inaugurated his career as an educator when we accepted a position as an Intermediate Resource Room teacher at JT McWilliams Elementary School in Las Vegas, Nevada. He made the move to the secondary level when he transferred to Marvin M. Sedway Middle School in North Las Vegas. There he taught 7th grade US History. Later he moved to Las Vegas’s East Career and Technical Academy, where he taught US History, Advanced Placement US History, and Journalism. “It was magic how all my crazy lesson worked,” remembers Jeremy. “My favorite was when my 11th graders practiced their own Civil Rights march and talked about the Movement’s needs and issues,” he recalls.

After many years in Las Vegas, the veteran educator decided to move with his family to Clarksville, Tennessee, where Jeremy taught at Fort Campbell High School on the Fort Campbell military installation. There he taught AP US History, World History, Digital Photography, and Journalism.

After completing his teaching assignment in Tennessee, Jeremy and his family returned to Las Vegas, where he accepted a position as a 7th grade history and 8th grade geography teacher at Garside Junior High School. Eager for yet another new adventure, he launched himself into courses on Library Science.

Currently, Jeremy serves as the Teacher Librarian at Robert Lunt Elementary School in Las Vegas. “I love being in the library,” expresses Jeremy. “I see every single student on campus. I help them develop a love of reading and books,” he continued. “My favorite day is Tuesday, because I get to read to my Pre-K students and help them enjoy reading for reading.” In addition to reading aloud to students, Jeremy organizes numerous Maker-Space activities. His projects include guiding students into researching ancient pyramids and building replicas with Legos, and researching and designing marble roller coasters. “I hope I give them inspiration to see the world,” Jeremy confesses.

Jeremy Heckler: a true Chalkboard Champion.