The incomparable music director Genein Letford

Elementary music educaor Genein Letford of Canoga Park, California.

Students all over our country are indeed fortunate to be exposed to the influences of talented music educators. One of these is Genein Letford, the Music Director of New Academy, a charter elementary school in Canoga Park, California. 

Genein earned her Bachelor’s degree from UCLA. There she majored in Psychology and minored in Education with a focus in Diversifying in the Liberal Arts. This unique program was designed to give teachers a foundation in education and then expose them to different content areas. After earning her Bachelor’s degree, Genein completed the requirements for her teaching credential through a year long program called Teachers for a New Era. The program allowed her more hands-on experience with teaching than a traditional teaching program. Recently, Genein completed her Master’s thesis at California State University, Northridge.

Genein’s journey to her position as a music educator began when she was in the third grade. At that young age, she was labeled a special education student because she suffered from a speech impediment. She stuttered when speaking. To help her overcome her disability, Genein’s mother insisted she learn to play an instrument. The child chose the trumpet, mostly because it was one of the least expensive instruments to rent. A year later, Genein joined the school band. Through music, she found her voice. 

So far, Genein’s career as an educator has spanned 15 years. Her approach to teaching music is unique and innovative. She designed an interdisciplinary curriculum that incorporates history, social studies, science, language arts, and mathematics. Her talents extend into the community as well. in 2009, Genein began the Music For All: Instrument Scholarship Fund to provide instruments for low-income students who want to continue their music education. She also works as a motivational speaker.

For her work in the classroom, Genein has earned many accolades. She garnered the 2010 Great American Teacher Award. She also earned the National Sontag Prize in Urban Education.

To read more about this Chalkboard Champion, click on this link to Genein Letford.