Benavides named 2022 Texas State Teacher of the Year

High school STEM teacher Ramon Benavides of El Paso, Texas, has been named his state’s 2022 Teacher of the Year. Photo credit: Ramon Benavides

I always enjoy sharing stories about exemplary educators who have won honors for their work in the classroom. One of these is Ramon Benavides, a high school STEM teacher from El Paso, Texas, who has been named his state’s 2022 Teacher of the Year.

Ramon teaches Biology and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) courses at Del Valle High School in the Ysleta Independent School District. His career there has spanned 12 years.

It is amazing that Ramon made his way into the classroom. He is the son of migrant farmworkers who were forced to drop out of school at a young age to help support their family. Later, Ramon saw his parents return to school, earn their diplomas and become teachers themselves. He took his cue from them.

Ramon says his work as an educator isn’t about the teaching, it’s about the positive exchanges. “The kids are the best part of my job, by far,” he says. “One of my greatest joys is getting to stand outside my classroom and as my kids come in we exchange that smile, and for that split second we know that everything is okay,” he continues.

The honored educator earned a Bachelor’s degree in Biology at the University of Texas, San Antonio, in 2001, and a second Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the University of Texas, Brownsville, in 2003. He completed the requirements for his Master’s degree in Teaching Science at University of Texas, El Paso, in 2016. He is currently working on his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership at Texas Tech University, Lubbock.

Congratulations, Ramon!

2 thoughts on “Benavides named 2022 Texas State Teacher of the Year

  1. Thank you so much for the recognition. I greatly appreciate it and all that you do for our profession. Thank you, Ramon Benavides

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