Elementary school teacher Jason Daniels of Soldotna, Alaska, garnered a 2020 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Photo Credit: Jason Daniels
It is always exciting when a member of the professional community earns recognition for their work in the classroom. Jason Daniels, an elementary school teacher from Soldotna, Alaska, has earned such recognition. In 2020, he garnered a Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching for 2020.
Jason teaches at Kalifornsky Beach Elementary School in Soldotna. In fact, he has spent his entire career of 23 years there, teaching third through sixth grades. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Jason taught remote classes for grades four through six for families in no less than three local elementary schools.
Whether teaching in person or online, Jason’s focus on his students is obvious. He uses an inquiry-based approach to learning, encouraging his students to observe phenomena in the natural world, which brings the learning to life and makes it relevant to their own lives.
The honored teacher extends his expertise beyond his elementary classroom. Since 2018, Jason has spent his summers teaching STEM to underprivileged youth at Upstream Academy. In addition, he has led professional development workshops, and a kindergarten-through-fifth-grade science teacher collaboration. Since 2014, Jason has participated in collaborations to write, review, and adopt new state science standards. In fact, in 2021, Jason co-presented the new state science standards to teachers all over Alaska, and he assisted in the review of the state pilot science assessment. Furthermore, he has been on several district curriculum committees, and currently serves on the 2021-2022 Science Curriculum Committee. And as if all this were not enough, he has been a master teacher for three pre-service teachers.
The PAEMST is not the only prestigious recognition Jason has earned. In 2012, he traveled to Wodonga, Australia, where he taught for one year as a Victorian International Teaching Fellow.
Jason earned his Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a his Master’s degree in Educational Technology from the University of Alaska. He is a National Board Certified Middle Childhood Generalist.
Good work, Jason!