Teacher Helen Hulick fought against “anti-slackism”

Teacher Helen Hulick, who pioneered new strategies for working with deaf students, fought the good fight against “anti-slackism” for women. Photo credit:  Los Angeles Times.

Often times plucky educators will take a stand on social issues that benefit everyone. One of these was Helen Hulick, who helped eliminate the threat of  “anti-slackism” for women. What is “anti-slackism,” you ask? Read on to find out.

Helen was called to court as a witness in a burglary case in November, 1938. The 29-year-old had earned some renown as an innovative educator who pioneered auditory-verbal approaches for working with deaf children. She arrived at court in her usual attire of a blouse and slacks. But seeing slacks on a woman offended Judge Arthur S. Guerin so greatly that he wouldn’t allow the teacher to testify. Instead, he rescheduled her testimony and ordered her to wear a dress at her next appearance. However, Helen refused to comply with the court order. “You tell the judge I will stand on my rights,” the teacher declared. “If he orders me to change into a dress I won’t do it. I like slacks. They’re comfortable.”
The second time she appeared at court wearing slacks, the judge criticized Helen, for both her wardrobe and her attitude. “The last time you were in this court dressed as you are now and reclining on your neck on the back of your chair, you drew more attention from spectators, prisoners and court attaches than the legal business at hand,” the judge complained. “You were requested to return in garb acceptable to courtroom procedure. Today you come back dressed in pants and openly defying the court (…) “The court hereby orders and directs you to return tomorrow in accepted dress. If you insist on wearing slacks again you will be prevented from testifying (…) But be prepared to be punished according to law for contempt of court,” the judge warned. Again, Helen refused. “Listen, I’ve worn slacks since I was 15. I don’t own a dress except a formal,” she said. “If he wants me to appear in a formal gown that’s okay with me. I’ll come back in slacks and if he puts me in jail I hope it will help to free women forever of anti-slackism,” she declared.
For a third time, Helen went to court wearing slacks, but this time, she also brought with her Attorney William Katz. The attorney was armed with citations supporting Helen’s argument that she had the right to appear in the attire of her choice. Nevertheless, Judge Guerin held her in contempt of court and sentenced her to five days in jail. There she was forced to wear the denim dress worn by women prisoners. When her attorney declared they would be appealing the sentence, Helen was released on her own recognizance. But by then, Helen’s story had generated a great deal of attention, and hundreds of supporters sent letters of protest to the courthouse. As a result of the appeal, the Appellate Division overturned Judge Guerin’s contempt citation.
As a teacher, Helen Hulick continued to do amazing work throughout her career. In 1985, she was given an honorary Doctor of Humanities from Lafayette College “for her work as teacher, scientist and pioneer in the field of auditory therapy.” In 1988, when she was 80, the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf awarded her the organization’s highest tribute, Honors of the Association. Helen not only made a difference in the lives of so many students, but also for helping to free women of “anti-slackism” along the way. Many thanks to author Dr. Rebecca Haines for sharing the story of this amazing educator.