Teacher Melissa Nicholson takes her pigs, Prissy and Pop, to her classroom every day

Melissa Nicholson

First grade teacher Melissa Nicholson escorts her two pet pigs, Prissy and Pop, to her classroom every day.

You’ve got to love first grade teacher Melissa Nicholson of Jacksonville, Florida. She brings her two pet pigs, Prissy and Pop, to her classroom at the Bolles School in Ponte Vedra every day.

“I try to incorporate them into as many different learning activities as possible,” says Melissa. “They’re great when we’re learning math—measurement, weight and other lessons. My students also like to read to the pigs. They’re so expressive, and it helps the kids gain confidence in their reading. I’ve even had parents tell me the pigs are the reason their child likes to read.”

Melissa says the pigs are very well-suited to the classroom. They are hypoallergenic, so there is no danger of a student having a reaction to the animals. They are potty-pad-trained and go to the bathroom when the kids are out of the room.

Prissy, the girl, is five years old. The boy, Popleton, who prefers to be called Pop, is four years old. Both piggies love to dress up in outfits that reflect Melissa’s lesson for the day, such as reading a Dr. Seuss book for the annual Read Across America event.

To chronicle the life of her special pigs, Melissa has written two children’s books with Prissy and Pop as the main characters. The books, “Prissy and Pop: Big Day Out” and “Prissy and Pop Deck the Halls,” are available on Amazon. Prissy and Pop even have a following on Instagram.

We love it, Melissa!For more about this creative teacher and her adorable classroom pets, see the story on We Are Teachers.com.

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