Teacher Librarians are Chalkboard Champions, too!

Teacher Librarians are chalkboard champions, too! These invaluable resource teachers are so important as support personnel for the classroom teacher’s instructional program.

Teacher Librarians support all curricular content areas, and work side-by-side with classroom teachers to collaboratively plan, teach, and assess subject area content. Teacher Librarians are instrumental in teaching information literacy skills, addressing state standards and frameworks, and developing lessons in resource-based learning. They help ensure that students become effective users of ideas and information.

The Teacher Librarian is also expected to teach students how to access information from a variety of sources, information literacy strategies, reading strategies, and best practices using information technologies to enhance learning. In addition, they teach both students and their colleagues the laws and guidelines related to the ethical, legal, and fair use of information. Teacher Librarians teach and advocate the principles of intellectual freedom, foster independent thinking, and collaborate with the learning community to foster a positive school climate.

As if all this wasn’t enough, Teacher Librarians also advocate for a strong library program and work with students, parents, and the community to develop an understanding of library goals, policies, and procedures.

Because of all these responsibilities, many states require a teacher to earn an additional credential authorizing service as a library media teacher. Kudos to our nation’s Teacher Librarians, for they are chalkboard champions, too!