Taylar Flaming earns 2024 Horizon Award from Kansas State Dept. of Education

Elementary school teacher Taylar Flaming has earned a 2024 Kansas Horizon Award from the Kansas State Department of Education. She is pictured here at center, with Superintendent Cory Gibson  at left and Starside Elementary School Principal Jan Hicks at right. Photo Credit: Starside Elementary School

I always enjoy sharing news about outstanding teachers who have earned recognition for their work in the classroom. Today, I shine a spotlight on Taylar Flaming, an elementary school teacher from Kansas. She is one of 32 teachers who has been recognized with a 2024 Kansas Horizon Award from the Kansas State Department of Education.

Taylar teaches third grade at Starside Elementary School in De Soto. “Taylar is a great team player at Starside,” declared Jan Hicks, the school’s principal. “She seems to have an old soul and be so knowledgeable beyond her years. She is fantastic with students, parents and staff members,” Hicks continued. “She has a minor is special education from Pitt State. Because of this, I made her a SPED classroom. She has done a remarkable job working with the equipment necessary for her students and helping them be successful,” Hicks concluded.

Taylar earned her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Pittsburg State University.

The Horizon Award is a program developed by the Kansas State Department of Education that honors and recognizes exemplary first-year teachers. Four elementary and four secondary classroom teachers may be selected for the award from each of four regions for a total of 32 teachers throughout the state of Kansas.

Congratulations, Taylar!