Students nationwide mark the one-month anniversary of tragic shooting at Parkland high school

Today we mark the one-month anniversary of the devastating shooting that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14, 2018. Fourteen students and three teachers and staff members were killed in a murderous rampage by a troubled former student. Since the incident, survivors at the school and others nationwide have been calling for gun reform in an effort to decrease the number of gun deaths in our country. Today, over 185,000 students from 3,100 schools in 50 states participated in the observance, which occurred at 10:00 a.m. local time in each time zone and lasted for 17 minutes.

It’s amazing and wonderful to witness our youth using the democratic process to express themselves about an issue they feel passionately about. I think the photo below, obtained from NBC News, speaks eloquently for the movement. To read the entire NBC article, click on this link: Students Demand Action.