State Senator Joyce Elliott of Arkansas: High School teacher and champion of education

Joyce Elliott

State Senator Joyce Elliott of Arkansas: High School teacher and champion of education

Many talented classroom teachers are also excellent politicians. One educator who exemplifies this is Joyce Ann Elliott, a high school teacher who has also served in both the House of Representatives and the State Senate for her home state of Arkansas.

Joyce Elliott was born in Willisville, Arkansas, on March 20, 1951. After her high school graduation, Joyce earned her Bachelor’s degree in English and Speech at Southern Arkansas University (1973). She earned her Master’s degree in English from Ouachita Baptist University (1981).

For more than 30 years, Joyce taught Advanced Placement and College Preparatory courses to high school juniors and seniors in Arkansas, Florida,
Minnesota, and Texas. Then she joined the College Board to focus on expanding access to Advanced Placement courses for under-represented groups of students.

From 2000 to 2006, Joyce served in the Arkansas House of Representatives. As a State Representative, she served on several committees, including those for Education and the Committee for Aging, Youth, and Families. In 2009, Joyce was elected to the Arkansas State Senate. Her responsibilities in the State Senate included her service as the Vice Chairperson of the Education Committee, the Chairperson of the Subcommittee on Educational Institutions, and a member of the Committee on Girls State. In addition, she played an integral role in funding and implementing a Pre-Kindergarten education program known as Arkansas Better Chance for School Success. As a former member of the American Federation of Teachers and the National Commission on Writing in America’s Schools and Colleges, Joyce also served on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, the College Board of Trustees, and the National Commission on the High School Senior Year.

For her outstanding work, Joyce has earned many awards. Her honors include being named one of the Ten Best Legislators of the 2003 General Assembly by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (2003); the Working Families Hero Award, the Arkansas Spirit Award, and the Arkansas Heroes Award for Peace and Justice by the Omni Center for Peace and Justice and Ecology (2005). She has also garnered the Humanitarian Award by the National Conference for Community and Justice (2006); the Legislative Friend of Children Award by Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families (2006); and the Pillar Award for Education by the Arkansas Chapter of 100 Black Men (2007).

To read more about this chalkboard champion, see her State Senate biography at Joyce Elliott. You can also view the YouTube video below where Senator Elliott shares her views about leadership.

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