Special Education teacher Ron Antlitz from the North Clackamas School District in Clackamas, Oregon, has been named a 2023 Regional Teacher of the Year. Photo Credit: Oregon Teacher of the Year
There are many fine educators who work in American public schools, and their dedication and hard work has not gone unnoticed. In fact, one of them, Ron Antlitz of Clackamas, Oregon, has just been recognized as a 2023 Regional Teacher of the Year for the North Clackamas School District.
Ron has dedicated the majority of his 26-year career to working with middle and high school students that have been diagnosed with emotional and behavioral disabilities. For the past ten years, he has taught in the structured learning center at Alder Creek, where he developed a comprehensive program to help students overcome behavioral issues and make rapid academic progress.
He’s helped advance more equitable practices in schools, such as restorative justice programs that replace traditional discipline approaches. Above all, he is known as a strong advocate for students, working tirelessly to meet the needs of the whole child. “Ron approaches his work with compassion and a deeply held belief that each of his students deserves a high-quality school experience that includes access to academics as well as positive peer interactions,” declares Kelli Rhea, Principal of Alder Creek Middle School.
Larry Didway, Superintendent of Clackamas Education School District, agrees. “Our selection panel was particularly impressed with Ron’s career-long commitment to addressing the holistic needs of each of his students, and his strong advocacy for more equitable practices in education,” Midway says. “He is an outstanding representative of the countless Clackamas County teachers who are making an immense difference in the lives of students every single day.”
Ron was one of 16 teachers chosen by Education Service Districts throughout the state of Oregon to receive a regional honor. Regional winners were identified through a local nomination, application, and selection process facilitated by Education Service Districts. Applicants were selected on the attributes of leadership, instructional expertise, commitment to equity, community involvement, understanding of educational issues, and professional development. Each Regional Teacher of the Year receives a $1,000 award from the Oregon Lottery.