Recharge with stories about inspirational teachers

Congratulations, educators! You have nearly made it to the end of a particularly challenging school year! These past three months, dedicated educators all over the country have devoted themselves staying in contact with their students, preparing innovative online lessons, conducting classroom sessions via Zoom, and helping parents work with their kids to keep up. They’ve also been involved in attempts to preserve as many end-of-year traditions as possible, including scholarship awards and commencement activities. So much to do before concluding the end of a most unusual academic year!

Now that it’s almost over, you might be considering how to spend your well-earned summer vacation weeks. No doubt some time during this summer will be spent reflecting on how to best prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. But your leisure time might also include stocking up on something inspirational to read during your much-needed time off. The kids aren’t the only ones who can benefit from a summer reading list, right?

Reading the stories of inspirational teachers in challenging circumstances during American history is a terrific way to reflect upon your successes from the past year. And they can really add that extra oomph that helps you recharge your batteries for the year to come.

I have two splendid titles to suggest:  Chalkboard Champions: Twelve Remarkable Teachers who Educated America’s Disenfranchised Students (available here) and Chalkboard Heroes: Twelve Courageous Teachers and Their Deeds of Valor (available here), both by Terry Lee Marzell. Each one is available in print or in e-book formats and is reasonably priced. You can also browse the titles on the Books to Read list found elsewhere on this website.

However you decide to spend your precious time off, enjoy!

Terry Lee Marzell

Author Terry Lee Marzell with her book, Chalkboard Heroes:Twelve Courageous Teachers and Their Deeds of Valor.