Ohio teacher Dave Kennat perishes in horrific school bus accident

Members of the academic community in Ohio are mourning the loss of high school mathematics teacher Dave Kennat. He perished in a horrific school bus accident on Nov. 14. Dave taught at Tuscarawa Valley High School in Zoarville. Photo credit: Solid Rock Photos

Members of the academic community in Ohio are mourning the loss of high school mathematics teacher Dave Kennat. He passed away in a horrific school bus accident on Tues., Nov. 14. The beloved educator lived in Navarre and taught at Tuscarawa Valley High School in Zoarville, Ohio, for the past 31 years. He was 56 years old.

The horrific accident also claimed the lives of three students and two parent chaperones. According to police authorities, the accident occurred when the charter bus the students were traveling in was hit by a commercial semitrailer traveling in the same direction. The adults were following the bus, and were in one of five vehicles that were also involved in the crash.

Dave instructed courses in College Placement Algebra II, Algebra II, and Introduction to Microsoft Office. “I take my mathematical thinking with me to every endeavor and believe that problem solving is one of the most important traits a person can have,” Dave once remarked. “I hope I can impart a sense of problem solving to my students as this may be the most important lesson they learn,” he continued.

In addition to his work in the classroom, Dave also served his school as the Ski Club Advisor. He once confessed that he thinks about skiing all year, and hoped to share this passion with his students. He also enjoyed camping, hiking,kayaking, mountain biking, rock climbing, and gardening.

Dave also volunteered at Wanake Camp and Retreat Center in Beach City, Ohio, for 33 years. There he worked as a counselor, assistant director, photographer, and videographer.

The fallen educator will be sorely missed by students at the school. “I always loved him in class. He was always super energetic, made class fun. Really just an easy guy to talk to,” recalls student John Leffler, a senior. “Really unfortunate that he’s not going to be there anymore,” Leffler continues.

Dave earned his Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics Education at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, in 1989. He earned his Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction of Computer Science in 1999 from Ashland University in Ashland, Ohio, 1999.

Our sincerest condolences to family, friends, and colleagues of all those who passed away and all those who were injured.