Math teacher Toru Kumon developed a learning system now used worldwide

Japanese math teacher Toru Komon developed a learning system and tutoring program that has helped millions of students worldwide. Photo Credit: Kumon Institute of Education

Have you ever had a student who was enrolled in a Kumon tutoring center? These centers are immensely popular and extremely successful in helping students improve their academic skills. But did you know the learning system taught in these tutoring centers were developed by a Japanese math teacher named Toru Kumon?

Toru was born on March 26, 1914, in Kochi Prefecture, Japan. As a young man, he earned his degree in Mathematics from the College of Science at Osaka University. He then established a vigorous career as a high school math teacher in Osaka.

Despite his success as a professional educator, Toru discovered that his own son, Takeshi, was struggling to keep up in his own math class. In response, Toru conducted a careful examination of the boy’s textbooks, and came to the conclusion that the books failed to provide adequate opportunities for independent practice. To counter this, Toru designed a series of worksheets for Takeshi. Before long, Toru saw significant improvement in his son’s progress. After that, the teacher began using the strategy to tutor other children around the city.

By 1955, he established his first learning center, and in 1968, Toru retired from teaching to focus on his rapidly expanding educational service, which spread to the United States in 1974. The Kumon Learning System is designed to strengthen a student’s basic math and language skills by completing worksheets tailored to a student’s ability. The method also encourages students to learn independently and to study advanced material beyond their grade level. Even though Toru’s tutoring system emphasizes strategies considered old-fashioned by today’s standards, his Kumon Centers have enrolled millions of students around the world.

Sadly, Toru Kumon passed away in Osaka on July 25, 1995, from pneumonia. He was 81 years old. In his honor, the Toru Kumon museum was founded in Osaka. An asteroid, 3569 Kumon, was named after him. Additionally, the Kumon Foundation Day is celebrated each year on Oct. 20.