Dutch kindergarten teacher knits dolls to represent her students

During shelter-at-hme directives, Dutch teacher Ingeborg Meinster-Van der Duin of Banick School in Haarlem, the Netherlands, knitted a doll to represent each child in her class.

Teachers everywhere have expressed repeatedly how much they miss their students since the coronavirus pandemic forced school closures worldwide. But no one can doubt the sincerity of Dutch kindergarten teacher Ingeborg Meinster-Van der Duin at the Dr. H. Bavinck School located in Haarlem, the Netherlands. She actually knitted a doll for each one of her students!

Ingeborg got the idea to knit the dolls when she saw a knitted doll on Pinterest one day. Without any previous lessons, she decided she was going to knit every one of her students a personal doll.

The creative teacher knitted 23 dolls, one for each of her students. Each doll took three to four hours to create, and each resembles the child it represents. She made sure every student who wore glasses or had freckles had these features represented on the dolls she made. She didn’t leave out any detail. When her students asked if there was a doll to represent the teacher, Ingeborg created one to represent herself.

During recent school closures due to coronavirus pandemic, Ingeborg Meinster-Van der Duin, a teacher at the Bavinck School in Haarlem, the Netherlands, knitted a doll to represent each child in her class.

To read more about this creative teacher, see this link at Shared.com.