Wisconsin’s Katelyn Winkel-Simmerman garners recognition

Middle school math teacher Katelyn Winkel-Simmerman has been recognized as one of her state’s five Teachers of the Year for 2024. Photo credit: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Congratulations are due to Katelyn Winkel-Simmerman, a middle school educator from Cedar Grove, Wisconsin. She has been named one of five teachers in the state of Wisconsin who earned 2024 Teacher of the Year recognition.

Katelyn teaches mathematics to fifth graders at Cedar Grove-Belgium Middle School. She has taught at the school for the past six years. Students and staff say Katelyn. has a reputation for having a warm demeanor, empathetic nature, and upbeat attitude. “You feel valued when you are a student in Mrs. Simmerman’s classroom,” says the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction in a statement published on Facebook. “If you miss the bus and come in late for the third time that week, she greets you with a smile and tells you she’s glad you are here,” the statement continues. “If you are having a rough time at home, she provides a cozy space in her classroom to rest your thoughts because she knows you need a clear mind to learn at your best,” the statement concludes.

In addition to her work in the classroom, Katelyn serves as the adviser for her school’s Student Council. In this capacity, she works with students to plan events and provide meaningful opportunities beyond the classroom which have a positive effect on her school and community.

In addition to her Teacher of the Year recognition, Katelyn was one of two teachers out 100 applicants who garnered a Herb Kohl Fellowship Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Classroom.

Katelyn earned her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education in 2015 and her Master’s in Teaching and Learning with an emphasis in Math Intervention in 2019, both from the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh.