Jennifer Hedrington named MA 2021 Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to junior high school math educator Jennifer Hedrington of Massachusetts, who has been named her state’s 2021 Teacher of the Year. Photo credit: Peter Wilson

Congratulations go to junior high school math educator Jennifer Hedrington of Massachusetts. She has been named her state’s 2021 Teacher of the Year.

Jennifer teaches seventh grade mathematics at Ferryway School in Malden, Massachusetts. She has taught there for the past ten years. Previously, she taught in Texas and Maryland. Her career in education has spanned 16 years in all. Prior to becoming a teacher, she worked at group homes and detention centers.

In addition to teaching math, Jennifer encourages her students to become leaders in community service. She supports them when they speak out about social and racial injustices and leads them in their involvement in activities such as celebrating Black History Month. Jennifer says she measures student achievement by the ways in which they apply the lessons they have learned outside of the classroom.

The long-time teacher believes that the best part of her job is building strong relationships with students and watching them grow and change for years, even after they leave her classroom. Her philosophy is that educators must put emotional needs before academic needs. “Take care of their emotional needs first and focus on that, and everything else will fall into place,” she asserts. But Jennifer admits that she is still growing as an educator. “What drives me every day is that I want to become the teacher that I needed when I was in school,” she says.

The honored educator earned her Bachelor’s degree from Atlantic Union College. She also earned a Juris Doctorate from the Massachusetts School of Law.

To read more about this Chalkboard Champion, see this article about her published in the Boston Herald.