Jada Reeves: West Virginia’s 2019 Teacher of the Year

Elementary educator Jada Reeves from Mt. Hope, West Virginia, selected her state’s 2019 Teacher of the Year.

We are truly fortunate that so many wonderful teachers work in public schools in every state of our union. One of these educators is Jada Reeves, a fifth-grade teacher from Mt. Hope, Raleigh County, West Virginia.

Jada earned her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Concord University in Athens, West Virginia. She earned her Master’s degree in Reading Specialist from Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia. In addition to her degrees, Jada became Nationally Board Certified in 2013.

In a career spanning 16 years, Jada currently teaches at Bradley Elementary School. She has taught at that school for the last three years. She also serves as an assistant coach for a local middle school.

“I could not possibly think of another profession that would be as inspiring as an educator,” confessed Jada. “I adore my students and am passionate about teaching. Knowing I will step into my classroom each morning and tackle the day together with my students is always an encouraging thought,” she says.

In addition to her classroom responsibilities, Jada participates in many educational committees. She serves on her school’s Local School Improvement Council and she is part of the Instructional Practices Inventory Team. She also serves on the Leadership and Wellness Committees. Also, she conducts training for Raleigh County’s Innovative Team.

And that’s not all Jada does. She works for the West Virginia Department of Education as an online facilitator and Lead Coordinator for the Southern West Virginia National Board Certification Cohort. She is actively involved in the planning committee for the West Virginia Division of Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teachers and Teaching. And as if all that is not enough, this indefatigable educator contributes posts for the blog of the National Board for Professional Teaching, The Standard. In addition, she was recently appointed as a member of the Board of Directors for the Education Alliance.

Jada also volunteers on several community projects. She is an assistant Girl Scout troop leader and fosters rescue dogs from Operation Underdog.

For her work as an educator, Jada has garnered statewide recognition. She was named West Virginia State Teacher of the Year for 2019.

To read more about this amazing chalkboard champion, click on this link: West Virginia Education Association.