Home Ec teacher Ashley Nudell named a finalist for 2025 ND State Teacher of the Year

North Dakota teacher Ashley Nudell has been named the 2024 Teacher of the Year for Ransom County, and one of four finalists for her state’s 2025 Teacher of the Year. Photo Credit: North Dakota United

Just about every woman in my age group remembers taking a course in Home Economics in junior high and high school. Although these classes are no longer required, there are still many teachers who instruct these courses. One of these teachers, Ashley Nudell of North Dakota, has earned recognition for her effort. She has been named the 2024 Teacher of the Year for Ransom County and one of four finalists for her state’s 2025 Teacher of the Year.

Ashley teaches Family and Consumer Science to students in grades 9—12 at Lisbon High School in Lisbon, North Dakota. The courses she instructs include Child Development, Food and Nutrition, Independent Living, and Cultures and Cuisines. In addition, the honored educator serves as an advisor to her school’s chapter of FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America).

In her classroom, Ashley declares that her professional goal is to empower students to make wise decisions about health and finances, and to develop practical skills needed for lifelong success. She does this by fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.

Ashley earned her Bachelor’s degree in Family and Consumer Science Education from North Dakota State University in 2019. She earned her Master’s degree in Family and Consumer Science from North Dakota State University in 2023.

“Across our state, in rural areas and larger communities alike, our teachers bring their skills, compassion and dedication to their North Dakota classrooms,” asserted North Dakota Superintendent of Public Instruction Kirsten Baesler. “These finalists are exemplars of the outstanding teachers we are fortunate to have across North Dakota,” Baesler continued. “Our educators deserve our appreciation, respect, and admiration for the work they do with our young people,” she concluded.

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