Football coaches teach their players life lessons during “Manly Mondays”

Two football coaches, Cody Gross and Steve Carter, from Athens High School in Athens, Alabama, are helping their players learn what they consider to be essential skills on how to be a man. The coaches conduct weekly lessons on topics ranging from how to give a firm handshake, how to tie a tie, how to change a tire, and how to make jewelry for their moms. They have dubbed these weekly sessions “Manly Mondays.”

Coach Carter describes the importance of these weekly lessons. “A lot of kids these days don’t have father figures,” he observes. “They don’t have people to show them things. I was blessed with a father that showed me how to do a lot of stuff.” Coach Gross agrees. “The big thing is, as coaches, we can have a big impact on young men,” Coach Gross explained. “That’s why I do what I do. When (last) season ended, I felt the need to be more intentional about some things we do. We try to model the behaviors we expect.”

To learn more about these amazing coaches, read the article here (written by Mark Heim and published online by Alabama Media Group). You can also watch the short YouTube video below, originally published by