Educator Jack Reavis makes bid for seat in Oklahoma State House of Representatives

Jack Reavis

Veteran educator Jack Reavis makes a bid for a seat in the Oklahoma State House of Representatives.

In this year’s mid-term elections, there are many educators running hotly contested political races. One of them is teacher Jack Reavis, who is bidding for a seat in the Oklahoma State House of Representatives. Last June, the veteran educator won the Democratic primary for District 14. In the November election, Jack will face Republican candidate Chris Sneed.

Jack has dedicated the last 24 years of his life working as a high school history teacher for Muskogee High School in Muskogee, Oklahoma. He plans to use his skills as an educator to succeed in the House, if elected. “In my life, learning the art of listening has been essential to building relationships built on mutual trust,” declares Jack. Furthermore, he asserts, “We can make our government work, but we have to participate in the process.”

Jack holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Studies Education and a Master of Arts degree in American Studies. He earned both from Northeastern State University located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

Jack is particularly interested in policies that affect public education and health care. He wants to see a return of the seven hospitals and numerous health care facilities that have left his part of the state in the last two years. “If you’re a single mother in northeastern Oklahoma, you shouldn’t have to take a full day off work and lose that day’s pay, just to take a sick child with an ear-ache to a clinic,” Jack says. “If we truly are pro-life—and I am pro-life, not just pro-birth—you need to support the programs that support life after a child is born, including public education and healthcare.”

To learn more about Jack Reavis, visit his website at