Back to School Tip #1: Appreciating the Support Staff

Well, teachers, it’s time to admit that summer is rapidly coming to a close, and the start of a new school year is just around the corner. This realization typically stimulates reflection about how you can ensure this year will be the best ever. For the next few days I’ll offer some suggestions. Please feel free to post additional tips and hints in the comments section!

First, let’s discuss a really simple strategy for ensuring success: Recognizing the significant roles played by the school’s support staff. It’s really important to get to know the school’s support staff, and to appreciate them whole-heartedly. School librarians, secretaries, textbook clerks, custodians, security guards, cafeteria workers, groundskeepers, technology support personnel, and bus drivers all make important contributions to the success you and your students will experience in the classroom this year. It might seem like a lot of extra work to cultivate these relationships, and sometimes it’s hard to remember to be appreciative when you’re feeling short on time, overworked, or stressed out, but every day in a hundred little ways that you may never even know about, these folks will be doing their utmost to support your professional efforts. Time and again you’ll be depending on them to make your job a little easier. Be sure to take the time to recognize their areas of expertise and to acknowledge their contributions!

Here are some easy things you can do. When you pass by a support staff member in the hallway, greet them with a smile and a cheerful hello. Leave a little note of appreciation on your whiteboard for the custodian to find when he or she comes to clean your room. A thank you note is always welcome if someone has done something above and beyond, and letting the principal know about those good deeds is always a good idea. When making out your holiday cards, include a few members of the support staff that have been particularly helpful to you. Above all, be sure to model your appreciation and respect for support staff for your students. Remember that a little bit of effort goes a long way to establishing and nurturing your relationships with support staff.

Have a great year, and tune in tomorrow for another great tip!