Illinois Home Ec teacher Amber George earns regional recognition

High school Home Economics teacher Amber George has been named the Illinois Southeast Region Teacher of the Year for 2022. Photo credit: Herrin High School

I always enjoy sharing stories about exceptional teachers who have earned accolades for their work with students. One of these is Amber George, a high school Home Economics teacher who has been named the Illinois Southeast Region Teacher of the Year for 2022.

In all, Amber’s career as an educator spans 14 years. For the past six years, Amber has taught Family and Consumer Sciences at Herrin High School. She instructs courses in Child Development, Parenting, and Child Care. She leads a pre-school learning lab, known as Tiger Paws Learning Lab, where she teaches junior and seniors appropriate techniques and processes for caring and teaching young children. In addition, Amber serves as the adviser for her school’s Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) club, formerly known as Future Homemakers of America (FHA).

“Teaching is the best profession in the world!” declares Amber. “The number of positives far outweigh the negatives. My best advice when choosing to become an educator is to discover your ‘why,'” she continues. “Find the motivation behind your ‘why’ and never lose sight of it. Knowing your ‘why’ will help you stay focused on your goals, thus allowing you to continue growing in your craft and enhancing the quality of education your students receive,” she concludes.

Amber earned her Bachelor’s degree Workforce Education with a specialization in Family and Consumer Sciences in 2007 and her Master’s degree in Educational Administration and Supervision in 2021, both from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. She also earned her National Board Teacher Certification in 2020.