Alexander Kerr Craig: Educator, Civil War Veteran, and US Congressman

Many times talented educators serve their country valiantly, and also distinguish themselves in the political arena. Such is the case with TeacherAppleTN1[1]Alexander Kerr Craig, a teacher from Claysville, Pennsylvania, who is also a Civil War veteran, and was elected to the US House of Representatives.

Alexander was born near Claysville, Pennsylvania, on February 1, 1828. As a young boy, he attended local common schools and was educated by a private tutor. At the age of sixteen, he became a teacher, conducting classes during the winter months and subsequently working as a principal in Claysville public schools. He also studied law.

In February, 1865, after the Civil War broke out, Alexander enlisted in the Eighty-seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. After the completion of his service, he returned to Claysville, where he resumed his career as an educator by serving as school director and justice of the peace.

Alexander was elected as a Democrat to the 52nd US Congress, where he served until he passed away July 29, 1892, at the age of 64. He is buried in Claysville Cemetery.