I love to tell stories about talented, outstanding teachers. There are so many phenomenal stories that could be told! I believe that teachers represent the best our country has to offer, and, as a group, they are among the most dedicated, hardworking, and talented individuals anyone can know. It fills me with joy to be able to describe myself as an educator. I love to share these inspirational stories in my blog, on my website, and in my books. These are stories of truly amazing individuals who have made significant contributions to the lives of so many, and it fills me with pride to know that, every day, talented educators all over the country are continuing to influence the lives of their students in such positive ways.
You can preview and purchase my first book, Chalkboard Champions: Twelve Remarkable Teachers who Educated America’s Disenfranchised Students, at amazon.com at this link: Chalkboard Champions. You can preview and purchase my second book,Chalkboard Heroes: Twelve Courageous Teachers and their Deeds Valor, at amazon.com at this link: Chalkboard Heroes. Both books are available in ebook and print versions.